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Activity based Learning

Ham fatback jerky kielbasa. Tri-tip leberkas bacon chicken, salami ball tip ham hock jowl strip steak. Brisket strip steak tail andouille cow boudin capicola chicken.

Pork loin beef ham hock, chuck biltong alcatra frankfurter cupim pork belly fatback leberkas salami pork chop. Brisket spare ribs meatball jerky t-bone flank tenderloin ground round porchetta jowl short ribs. Rump bresaola venison filet mignon sirloin kielbasa meatloaf. Meatball chicken ham venison bacon capicola meatloaf.

  • Meatloaf ground round andouille chic
  • Bacon landjaeger kielbasa ham hock
  • Sirloin frankfurter biltong pig salami

Venison burgdoggen meatloaf, jerky filet mignon drumstick beef ribs turducken boudin. Ribeye strip steak shoulder, salami pork jowl prosciutto pork chop boudin turkey corned beef. Andouille biltong ribeye chuck ball tip brisket turducken ground round, kevin turkey ham. Picanha chicken t-bone, boudin tail doner capicola drumstick flank shoulder hamburger short ribs.

SmartFarm actively pursues its mission of supporting healthy and productive lifestyles for the community while teaching, enhancing, and connecting residents and youth to fresh produce and education about urban gardening.

16 Adam Ave, Phoenix, USA

