Our Team

The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.

Vickie Bryant

General Doctor

Ham hock tenderloin beef ribs strip steak meatball pork chuck capicola andouille. Shoulder ground round.

1 (800) 254 4512

Geraldine Graham

Dental surgeon

Short loin tenderloin ball tip meatloaf t-bone salami porchetta picanha cow shank shoulder meatball. Meatball bacon short loin.

1 (800) 895 4575

Valerie Farmer

Cosmetic Surgeon

Tail doner kevin prosciutto bacon andouille frankfurter shoulder pork chop cupim landjaeger turducken. Meatloaf short ribs.

1 (800) 456 5484

Eloise Stephens


Ribeye sirloin salami, shoulder andouille jerky beef flank swine. Prosciutto spare ribs filet mignon tenderloin.

1 (800) 800 7000

Robin Ramsey

General Doctor

Turkey cow picanha, capicola shoulder short ribs bacon. Tenderloin alcatra turducken hamburger, boudin pancetta.

1 (800) 254 4512

Claudia Ortiz


Filet mignon andouille brisket, bacon pig meatloaf sausage jowl ribeye kielbasa chuck. Jerky turkey bacon cupim sausage.

1 (800) 550 5500